Atari Combat: Tank Fury is a match-three puzzle game with RPG progression, available now

Atari Combat: Tank Fury isn’t what you might imagine – at least, it’s not what you might imagine if you’re over 40.

While many of you were probably expecting an updated version of Combat, the classic Atari 2600 game in which block tanks try to outdo each other, Atari Combat: Tank Fury is actually a match-3 puzzle game. -three with additional extras.

These extras include strategic base building, when you build and upgrade your base to generate resources for your army, and battlefield tactics, when you assign a team to battle. There is also an RPG aspect to the game, as you improve everything.

There are also tank battles, but your role in those is limited to matching gems in the lower half of the screen.

At the time of writing, Atari Combat: Tank Fury is not doing well in reviews from users of Google Play, with players complaining of bugs and comparing the game unfavorably with Pacific Rim Breach Wars.

You can try it out for yourself right now on the Google play store.