Everything you need to know about the Pokemon 25th anniversary concert

Pokemon is set to celebrate its 25th anniversary with an exclusive online concert presented by Poke Post fan Malone. It’s scheduled to take place on February 27, and we’ve got all the details you need right here.

Now, those were a lot of the main details. The concert isn’t just a quarter-century – my God, I’m old – celebration of Pokemon, it’s also about to begin the celebration of P25, which is expected to run all year round.

This show will start at 7:00 PM EST / 4:00 PM PST on February 27 – it’s midnight on GMT 28. “I’ve been a Pokémon fan for a long time, so the opportunity to be on the front page of the Pokémon Day concert celebrating 25 years is awesome,” Post Malone said.

The show will be live on the Pokemon YouTube channel, the Pokemon Twitch official channel and Pokemon 25th anniversary site.

Keep an eye out for a special password provided throughout the Pokemon franchise to treat yourself to a special Pikachu in Pokemon Sword and Shield. And log in to Pokemon TV on the 27th to watch a bunch of music-themed episodes from the original Pokemon series too.