The first remasters of Final Fantasy Pixel will arrive later this month

Square Enix revealed that the top three Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Games should be launched at the end of this month. And, breaking with Squeenix’s tradition of releasing games in any order they choose, the top trio will cover Final Fantasies 1-3.

It was all revealed in a tweet, which you can read by clicking right here. He also announced that there will be a special Steam pack of games that you can pre-order right now at a reduced price.

Unfortunately, the same deal doesn’t appear to have been extended to mobile gamers. That said, the Pixel Remasters’ Play Store page has yet to go live, so that may change by July 29, when the games are released.

Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster was announced last week. It’s basically a bunch of authentic ports from the first six Final Fantasy games, rather than the fancy reboots and re-releases that have been on the Play Store for quite some time now. Basically it’s a bunch of classic RPGs.

If Steam prices are right, the first two games will cost $ 11.99 each, with the other four getting you $ 17.99 each. These are fairly steep prices, but they are comparable to the mobile versions of Square Enix.

What do you think? Too much? Are you looking forward to playing the games in their original incarnations (I’m sure the font in the screenshot is not standard)? Let us know.