The acclaimed interactive movie that she sees red is only 99c right now on Android

The highly acclaimed FMV The acclaimed interactive movie, She Sees Red, costs just 99c right now on the Google Play Store, down from its regular price of $ 2.99.

Released last year, She Sees Red sees you chasing the culprit of a murder at a popular nightclub. It takes place in two timelines, with the perspectives of the detective and the murderer represented.

What initially appears to be an open-ended affair becomes more thorny as you descend into the dark underworld of the Russian nightclub scene, with several moderately shocking twists and turns.

She Sees Red is a Russian game, so English is either dubbed or subtitled. The dubbing is solid, but the dubbing is decidedly questionable in places. If you can read (and at this point you’re having a hard time convincing us that you can’t), we recommend turning on the subtitles.

You can download She Sees Red for 99c right now on the Google play store.